VaporMaze Vixen 5: Valkyrie Unleashed


As she sipped a caramel macchiato from her perch on a park bench, Tessa watched people strolling by. She rolled her eyes behind mirrored sunglasses and lowered her baseball cap.

“This is freaking ridiculous,” she remarked. “I didn’t have to do this yesterday.”

“Well, of course, you didn’t,” Matt replied, “but last night, you became the most famous woman on the planet.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know,” Tessa muttered. “Doesn’t make this any easier. I mean, we barely escaped from the coffee shop! I have groupies, Matt! Fucking groupies!”

“Shh,” Matt whispered. “You don’t want to attract any of those groupies right now.” He polished off his espresso, locked eyes with his best friend, and smiled. “I’m so proud of you, Tessa. You kicked ass out there last night! You sent 94 naked dudes to sweet oblivion in fifteen minutes!”

Tessa smirked. “Almost 95, stud.”

“Oh, is that a fact? You would have pulled the trigger on me if time hadn’t expired at that moment?”

“Without hesitation,” Tessa replied. “I would have erased you from existence without a second thought. I was in the zone, you know? I can’t just turn off that mental switch.” She paused a moment. “Besides, that seems to be what you want.”

Matt sighed and gazed at the grassy field where a softball game was underway.

“Honestly, yes, and I can’t explain why. It just feels right, like I’m destined to be stripped from reality. And to have it happen in VaporMaze—my favorite sport of all time—is my ultimate fantasy!”

Tessa took another sip of her macchiato, glanced sideways at Matt, and nodded.

“Yeah, I get it.”

Matt looked at her. “Really? Or are you just saying that?”

“Yes, really. For me, the fantasy is pulling the trigger on my HazeMaker and watching those muscular naked bodies dematerialize, knowing those well-hung hunks are gone forever.” She paused a moment to collect her thoughts. “And I’ll admit that part of what makes it so hot for me is knowing those guys volunteered themselves for oblivion. That’s the other side of the same coin—the yin to my yang. And it perfectly captures you and me and how we feel about VaporMaze.”

“Yeah, exactly,” Matt replied. “I’m so glad you understand my perspective.” He put his arm around Tessa. “I suppose we have the perfect symbiotic relationship, buddy. You love erasing hot dudes, and I’m a hot dude who wants to be erased.”

Tessa laughed and leaned into Matt. “That’s one way to look at it, hot stuff. Whatever happens, it’s bound to be an exciting evening for both of us.”

“Without a doubt.”

Matt kissed Tessa on the cheek and stood to leave.

“Well, I need to get to the gym and get swole. I want my naked body to be as ripped as possible when you strip it from the known universe.”

“Have fun with that, stud. I’ll see you in two weeks. Wear your best birthday suit for me.”

Matt grinned as he turned to leave. “It’s custom-tailored, baby! Only the best for my Tessa. Ciao!”

“Ciao, dude.”

Tessa watched Matt walk away, knowing they’d soon meet in the maze. Would she pull the trigger and watch him fade forever? More than likely, she’d find out soon.

Tessa stood at the tunnel entrance, clad in her signature skintight black latex catsuit. As usual, she checked all the indicator lights on the magazines for her HazeMaker and Houdinis to ensure she had all 400 pulse rounds.

As Tessa put the last mag back on her ammo belt, someone slapped her ass.

“Hey, baby! Come here often?” asked a familiar voice.

Tessa rolled her eyes and turned to Matt. He was, of course, completely nude and ready for action.

“I do, actually,” she replied. “I come here as often as I can. Are you ready for this, stud?”

“Hell, yeah! I’m ready to rock this birthday suit for the whole planet. It’s pretty awesome that two billion people will see me naked.”

“They’ll also see you fade into oblivion, dude.”

Matt laughed. “Only if you can zap me, babe.”

Tessa was about to respond with something witty when the stadium lights dimmed to darkness, and a familiar voice boomed over the public address system.

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! I’m Jim Ziegler down on the field, and it’s my distinct pleasure to welcome you to the VaporMaze finals!”

The sold-out crowd clapped and yelled their approval. Jim continued.

“Before we get to that, though, we have a special demonstration I mentioned two weeks ago. Let’s give a warm welcome to PetraTec CEO Gwen Gordon!”

The audience cheered as a spotlight switched on and illuminated Jim and Gwen right in front of Tessa at the tunnel entrance. A black sheet covered an unknown object on the ground.

“How are you today, Gwen?” Jim asked.

“Fantastic, Jim! I’ve been eagerly anticipating this demo for weeks.”

“Care to show us what’s under that sheet?”

“Absolutely!” Gwen replied. “It is my distinct pleasure to unveil the TF-9 Shadowmancer!”

She yanked the sheet away to reveal a gleaming belt-fed machine gun on a steel tripod.

“The specs on this monster are badass,” Gwen continued. “It’s fully automatic at 25 rounds per second with a 200-meter range. Each belt holds 200 rounds, but they can be daisy-chained together. As you can see here, I have three belts hooked up for a total of 600 rounds.”

“Now that’s some serious firepower!” Jim exclaimed. “I can’t wait to see this bad boy in action. Speaking of which, let’s give it up for our two hundred fearless volunteers!”

Spotlights illuminated a large group of naked people at the far end of the field. They smiled, waved, and pumped their fists as the crowd cheered wildly.

“Gwen, are you ready to rock and roll?” Jim asked.

Gwen flashed a thumbs-up before gripping the two vertical handles of the Shadowmancer.

“All right then. The TF-9 demonstration starts now!”

Immediately, the two hundred nude targets began sprinting across the field toward Gwen and Jim, cocks and breasts bouncing wildly. Gwen waited for the horde to cross midfield and aimed at the left side of the group. Then, she held down the trigger, unleashing a withering barrage of green laser pulses at the onrushing nudes. Multiple rounds hit each runner as their bare bodies glowed brilliantly before fading from the universe forever.

Gwen swept the barrel to the right as the belt began to feed through the Shadowmancer’s firing chamber. The lasers continued to find their marks, vaporizing one naked runner after another. Within twelve seconds, it was over. The afterglow of the last few volunteers hung in the air briefly before dissipating into nothing. The field was empty.

The crowd erupted in cheers and applause as Gwen released the trigger.

“Nice shooting, Gwen!” Jim exclaimed. “How does it feel to erase two hundred people from existence in seconds?”

“Pretty fucking awesome, to be honest,” Gwen replied with a grin. “The Shadowmancer is the culmination of months of research and development, so I’m thrilled I could reveal it in such dramatic fashion.”

“Will the TF-9 appear soon in a new competition?”

Gwen laughed. “I just make the weapons, Jim. That’s a question for StoneSport CEO Madi Douglas.”

“Well, I’ll be sure to ask Madi the next time I see her. Thanks again, Gwen. And now it’s time to introduce our VaporMaze Valkyrie, Tessa ‘LaserBabe’ Archer!”

Tessa strode from the tunnel, cradling her HazeMaker, as the walls of the VaporMaze rose from the empty field. She stopped next to Jim and Gwen as the fans cheered.

“How are you this evening, Tessa?” Jim asked.

“Oh, I’m fan-freaking-tastic, Jim! I can’t believe I’m standing here with Gwen Gordon and Jim Ziegler. It’s an honor to share the field with you.”

“I’m a little starstruck myself, Tessa,” Gwen replied. “It’s not every day I meet a hot chick with ‘LaserBabe’ as a nickname.”

Tessa laughed. “Yeah, that’s the work of my male fans. Believe it or not, thousands of horny hunks wish I could vaporize them. Of course, I’d love to grant that wish, but VaporMaze is limited to a hundred dudes, so I’ll take what I can get.”

“And one of those hundred dudes is your best friend,” Jim remarked. “Any qualms about sending Matt into oblivion tonight?”

“None whatsoever. When I have the shot, I’m taking it without hesitation.”

“As you should,” Gwen replied. “Best of luck erasing everyone from existence, Tessa. With a name like Archer, we already know you’re a good shot.”

“And with that, let’s bring out our nude dudes!” Jim exclaimed.

Matt led his ninety-nine fellow runners on a naked lap around the field as the crowd erupted in cheers and applause. The hundred hunks stopped next to Tessa at the maze entrance.

“Well, gentlemen,” Jim began, “I see no reason to wait. You’re now free to enter the maze.”

“Good luck, LaserBabe!” Matt yelled as he ducked through the entrance.

He zigged and zagged through the passageways before setting up at an intersection with clear lines of sight in two directions. With any luck, he’d see Tessa coming and be able to dive to safety before she could get off a shot. As much as he dreamed of being vaporized, Matt was also a consummate competitor and wouldn’t fade into oblivion without a fight. And if his semi-erect cock were any indication, he would enjoy this experience regardless of the outcome.

Tessa waited patiently until the timer reached zero, her trigger finger itching for action.

“Sixty seconds are up,” said Jim. “Tessa, you have fifteen minutes to vaporize as many naked men as you can. Only a perfect score of one hundred will secure the coveted trophy. Good hunting, Valkyrie. VaporMaze starts now!”

Tessa charged into the maze as the door locked behind her. She sprinted down one corridor and careened around a corner to find four men standing flat-footed. Before they could react, Tessa had already squeezed off four rounds from her TF-7 rifle without breaking stride. The runners glowed briefly before fading to a green haze. Tessa ran through their dissipating bodies in search of more sexy flesh.

“And Tessa ‘LaserBabe’ Archer is on the board with her first four points!” Jim exclaimed. “The VaporMaze final is already living up to the hype. We expect a high score tonight, but will she complete the sweep? We’ll find out soon enough.”

Matt heard the crowd roar when Tessa zapped the four dudes and resisted the urge to run. He was in a prime position and would see her coming in time to dive out of sight. Probably. Tessa was a total badass with her HazeMaker, so there were no guarantees, which made VaporMaze exciting!

The crowd screamed and applauded several more times while Matt waited for his first Tessa sighting. Jim came on with an update.

“All right, folks. Tessa is off to a blistering start, with 37 points in the first two minutes! She’s putting on a clinic with that TF-7XL. Thirteen minutes remain. If she can maintain this pace, the trophy will be hers with time to spare.”

Tessa ejected a spent mag and seated a new one before lighting up another five naked men from thirty meters away. She tried not to get cocky, but she was fucking amazing at erasing nude dudes from existence—the best in the world!

Continuing her winning strategy of random sprinting, Tessa flew around yet another corner. A man crouching forty meters away at the next junction saw her immediately and prepared to dive left. Anticipating her prey’s movements, Tessa raised her HazeMaker, aimed in front of the man, and held down the trigger. Inexplicably, the guy hesitated as the laser pulses grazed his chest. As Tessa began sweeping the barrel toward him, he hit the deck and crawled to safety.

“Fuck,” she muttered. “Almost had him.”

After the close call with Tessa’s rifle, Matt scrambled to his feet and sprinted down the passageway, heart pounding and cock bouncing. He’d never felt more alive than at that moment! To stare oblivion in the face and escape was the ultimate rush. He’d have to do it at least a few more times to get through this competition. But what if she tagged him, erasing him from existence forever? Might that be the true ultimate rush? Matt grinned as he ran.

Missing the forty-meter shot on the unknown dude only stoked Tessa’s competitive fire. She went on an absolute tear over the next eight minutes, vaporizing another fifty runners as the crowd cheered her on.

Tessa’s unpredictable twists and turns paid off yet again as she rounded a corner to find seven naked men running toward her. They skidded to a stop while Tessa leveled her HazeMaker and held down the trigger, sweeping the barrel from left to right. The TF-7XL expended the last five rounds from the magazine, stripping five nude dudes from reality.

Opting not to reload at that moment, Tessa dropped her HazeMaker and drew both Houdini pistols from their thigh holsters before the rifle hit the ground. The two remaining men stood slack-jawed, marveling at the sexy display of weapons prowess.

“How’s it hangin’, boys?” Tessa asked with a grin.

Before her prey could answer, Tessa fired both Houdinis. The two men quickly faded to green afterglows as Tessa reholstered the pistols, picked up her HazeMaker, and swapped mags. A quick inventory revealed she had one more 50-round mag on her belt. Jim provided an update for the fans.

“Well, folks. We may witness history here as Tessa has scored 94 points in twelve minutes. She has three minutes to vaporize the remaining six targets and claim the elusive trophy.”

As Matt listened to Jim’s update on Tessa’s impressive progress, he reached an intersection in the maze and collided with two men coming from an adjoining passageway. All three runners crumpled to the ground before quickly scrambling to their feet again.

“Bruh,” said one man to Matt. “Watch yourself out here, or someone might fuck you up.”

“It was an accident, dude,” Matt replied. “And we probably shouldn’t be standing still like this.”

“Oh, no,” the increasingly agitated man exclaimed. “Nobody tells me what to—”

His body glowed briefly before vanishing entirely. His surprised friend followed him into oblivion a moment later. Matt dove into the side passage as laser pulses grazed his shoulder and ass from thirty meters away.

“Almost got me, Tessa!” he yelled to his pursuer.

“Only a matter of time, buddy!” Tessa yelled back. “I’ll see you soon!”

“We’ll see about that!” Matt replied as he turned and ran down the passageway.

Tessa sprinted after him but couldn’t get a line of sight on Matt. The naked dude was just too elusive. As she prepared to round yet another corner, a foot emerged right in front of her. Tessa tripped and flew through the air, losing her grip on the HazeMaker. She landed hard but quickly flipped onto her back, drew a Houdini, and fired before slowing to a stop, striking the guilty man in the chest and erasing him from existence.

Tessa heard movement behind her, rolled onto her stomach, and dispatched another naked adversary with a headshot. She sprang to her feet and picked up her HazeMaker before continuing her search. Jim’s voice boomed over the stadium sound system.

“Ladies and gentlemen, Tessa has made four more fellas ephemeral and only has two targets remaining with ninety seconds to go!”

As Matt navigated the massive maze, a male voice called out.

“Hey, bro! You’re Matt, right?”

Matt skidded to a stop and turned his head. Another man stood in a nude Superman pose with his hands on his hips and his thick cock pointed skyward.

“Yeah,” Matt replied. “That’s me. And you are?”

“I’m Jason. I’ve been eluding Tessa since her qualification hunt in the woods, but I haven’t known her nearly as long as you have.” He grinned. “This is fun, huh?”

Matt glanced at Jason’s engorged dick and rolled his eyes.

“Yeah, looks like you’re enjoying this quite a lot.”

Jason laughed and wrapped his hand around his cock as he started to stroke it.

“I’m totally enjoying this! Knowing I’ll be unmade in about ten seconds is super exhilarating.”

Matt furrowed his brow. “Ten seconds?”

“Yeah, dude. She’s had the drop on us for a while.”

Matt’s eyes opened wide. He spun around to find Tessa only ten meters away with her HazeMaker pointed at Jason’s chest. She grinned.

“Sup, hunks? Fancy meeting my two favorite nude dudes in the whole world. And with a minute to spare, too.”

“Damn,” Matt replied with a chuckle. “You’re like a freaking ninja, Tessa. Well played!”

“Thanks, buddy. As much as I’d love to chit-chat, I have a trophy to win. On your knees, boys.”

“Yes, ma’am!” Jason exclaimed, immediately kneeling while still stroking his cock.

Matt rolled his eyes and knelt next to Jason. “Now what?” he asked.

“Prepare for oblivion.”

“Oh, fuck!” Jason yelled, leaning back. “I’m gonna cum!”

He squeezed his dick hard and shot a thick glob of jizz high into the air. Tessa pulled the trigger, sending an energy pulse into Jason’s chest. He glowed briefly and then began to fade. The jizz fell through his phantom body and landed on the ground. Moments later, he was gone. Tessa swung the barrel to point at Matt’s chest.

“You’re about to realize your dream, Matt,” Tessa remarked. “Are you ready for oblivion?”

“Hell, yeah! Do me!”

“As you wish. Let’s make it dramatic, too.”

Tessa held down the trigger, unleashing a torrent of pulses from her HazeMaker. Only the first five struck Matt’s chest as the rest of them passed right through his ephemeral body.

“Damn, this feels amazing!” he yelled. “Totally worth it. Later, babe!”

“See ya around,” Tessa replied.

Matt’s glowing form began to dim. Within a few seconds, he was gone. A horn sounded.

“Ladies and gentlemen!” Jim exclaimed. “I am thrilled to inform you that Tessa has done it! A clean sweep of all hundred men in the maze! The trophy is hers!”

The fans screamed and applauded as Tessa pumped her fist and grinned. The maze walls lowered into the ground, leaving the VaporMaze Valkyrie alone at the center of an empty field. The standing ovation continued for another minute as Jim walked up beside the champion.

“Well played, Tessa! How do you feel about your achievement?”

“Freaking pumped, Jim! That was easily the most fun I’ve had with my clothes on. I came in here with a plan and I delivered. It’s an awesome feeling!”

“What was it like to zap your best friend?”

“I was in the zone the whole time, so he was just another target. Another naked dude between me and my goal. I’m thrilled I could grant him his wish.”

“Well,” Jim began, “have you thought about which type of trophy ceremony you want?”

“I certainly have. I’ve decided to join Penelope. She could use some company.”

Jim grinned. “I was hoping you’d say that.”

Two minutes later, Tessa stood naked on a pedestal in the center of the field. She cradled her TF-7XL HazeMaker and had her Houdini laser pistols strapped to her thighs. Jim stood a few meters away.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” he began, “it is my pleasure to introduce our VaporMaze Valkyrie and first champion, Tessa ‘LaserBabe’ Archer!”

The raucous crowd erupted in cheers and applause. Jim waited before continuing.

“Rather than receiving a trophy for her victory, Tessa has chosen to become one. Are you ready, Tessa?”

“Hell yeah, Jim!”

“All right, let’s give you your reward.”

A laser bolt emerged from a PetraCannon in the tunnel, streaked across the field in the blink of an eye, and struck Tessa between her bare breasts. Her body glowed and began to harden. Her feet fused to the pedestal as the transformation swept up her legs and ass before ascending her torso. A final breath escaped her lungs as the metallic wave washed over her chest. Her heart stopped beating as the transmutation paused at her neck to spill down her arms, fusing her hands to the HazeMaker. Finally, the wave claimed her mouth, nose, eyes, and ears before cresting her head and cascading down her black ponytail. And with that, it was finished.

Tessa’s thoughts slowed as her brain turned to solid metal. She had achieved her goal and was at peace with her prize. Moments later, her consciousness took flight into the gathering night.

“Tessa Archer, ladies and gentlemen!” Jim exclaimed. “The ‘LaserBabe’ has been rendered in solid gold and will be placed next to Lady Penelope York in the StoneSport Trophy Hall.

“If you want to become a StoneSport athlete, we have several exciting opportunities! In addition to the next PetraDash and VaporMaze tournaments, we’ll be pioneering three new competition formats: Stone Cold Showdown, PetraSaber, and the much-anticipated Kama Sutra Combat! Spots are limited, so contact a StoneSport recruiter immediately to book your tryout.

“On behalf of everyone here at StoneSport, I’m Jim Ziegler signing off. Good night!”

Copyright 2024 Olivia “Zappy” Quinn

Image by Gustavo from Pixabay

Story notes

That’s a wrap! Thanks again to my friend Matt for commissioning and starring in this sexy story. I had a blast writing it!

I’ve only begun to tell the story of StoneSport, so stay tuned for more jaw-dropping transformational athletics. And those three new competition formats Jim mentioned? Yeah, I’ll be writing about all of those and more.

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Olivia Zoe Quinn lives in rural Idaho and works as a freelance editor for fiction and non-fiction. When she’s not wielding her red pen, you’ll probably find her skiing, playing disc golf, or curling up with a cup of tea and a good book. Olivia is the Editor-in-Chief of Stone Cold Stories and an Associate Editor at Rock Hard Press and GAZMYK. Olivia is the author of an upcoming sci-fi erotica novel due out in 2025.

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