Minting a WomaNFT 2: Token of Appreciation


Erika stepped out of the stretch limo, her black stilettos clicking rhythmically on the cement sidewalk as she approached the massive building. Gregor waited outside the front door, admiring Erika’s long legs and impossibly short navy blue skirt. A sheer white sleeveless blouse, unbuttoned halfway and barely concealing her gently bouncing breasts, completed the ensemble.

The limo drove away, and Erika stopped in front of Gregor. She adjusted her glasses, tucked a strand of black hair behind her ear, and extended her hand.

“An honor to meet you, Gregor.”

Gregor smiled and shook Erika’s hand. “The honor is mine, Ms. Vazquez. Your employer speaks quite highly of you. If I recall correctly, she said you’re becoming a solid employee.”

Erika chuckled. “That’s rather charitable of her. I’m still finding my proper place, though I expect this visit will solve that little mystery.”

“It certainly may, Erika. Speaking of which, shall we begin your tour?”

“An excellent idea.”

“Splendid!” Gregor stepped back, swiped his badge on a sensor, and pulled the steel door open. “After you, Erika.”

Erika nodded and walked inside onto a metal catwalk overlooking the central storage floor. The cavernous building was the size of four football fields side-by-side and ten stories high. Steel claws attached to a lattice of overhead beams crisscrossed the floor, carrying nude women embedded in carbonite blocks from the adjacent processing floor.

The claws also moved up and down between floors using vertical beams attached to the horizontal lattice. The entire building was a constant hum of activity, resembling an enormous library with the carbonite blocks lined up everywhere like books on giant shelves.

“Welcome to the archive!” Gregor exclaimed. “This is where we catalog and store all the lovely ladies whose owners have opted not to take physical possession of their WomaNFTs. The blockchain beauties are securely filed away—possibly for decades, centuries, or longer. The digital tokens may change hands frequently, but the physical tokens remain here unless the current owner requests them for public or private display.”

“How many tokens are you storing in this building?” Erika asked.

“About twenty thousand,” Gregor began, “but this is just our primary carbon-freezing operation. We have more facilities coming online every day. By the end of this decade, we’re on track to have a thousand archives worldwide with a combined storage capacity of twenty million WomaNFTs.”

Erika nodded as she surveyed the bustling scene. “Impressive. My employer will be most pleased to learn of your progress.”

“I’m happy to hear that.” Gregor gestured down the catwalk. “Shall we continue to the processing floor? It’s quite a sight to behold.”

“Certainly,” Erika replied with a smile. “I wouldn’t miss it.”

A few minutes later, the pair walked through a doorway on the catwalk and found themselves overlooking the processing floor. As expected, a line of nude women waited patiently in front of each of the three carbon-freezing chambers. The nearest subject reached the head of her line and stepped onto the metal platform, which lowered her into the chamber. A vapor cloud erupted below as metal claws lowered, picked up the carbonite block containing the woman, and carried her off to the archive.

“It’s extraordinary!” Erika exclaimed. “The whole operation is simply mesmerizing!”

“I agree wholeheartedly,” Gregor replied. “I spend at least twenty minutes every day admiring the lovely view from this catwalk. In my opinion, one can never have too many WomaNFTs. Oh, that reminds me of something. I received a message from your employer while we were walking over here. You should take a look.”

Gregor pulled his phone from his pocket, switched it on, and handed it to Erika. She read the message, nodded, and handed the phone back.

“It looks like I’m about to find my proper place as a solid employee.”

“Yes, indeed. It was wonderful meeting you. Just follow the orange signs to your destination.”

“Will do! So long, Gregor.”

“Safe travels, Erika.”

Gregor watched her walk away until she disappeared through the next door. He sent a few messages on his phone while keeping one eye on the processing lines.

Sure enough, a very naked Erika emerged onto the processing floor a few minutes later and took her place at the end of the nearest line. She was even more stunning without her clothes on. Gregor stared at her nude body, drinking in every subtle detail as she slowly drew closer to the chamber. She had an athletic build—muscular but not overly so. Everything was firm and well-proportioned, especially her butt and breasts. Gregor chuckled when he noticed her rock-hard nipples.

Before too long, Erika reached the head of the line. As the platform lowered her into the carbon-freezing chamber, she smiled at Gregor on the catwalk. Seconds later, a vapor cloud exploded from the chamber. Metal claws lifted the newly-minted WomaNFT into the air with Erika’s gorgeous unclad form embedded like a frozen basrelief on the front. Gregor nodded in appreciation before leaving the catwalk and heading to his office.

Shortly after he arrived, a facilities team showed up with a new office decoration. The men quickly mounted the carbonite block on the wall, leaving Gregor to admire it privately.

Erika was even more stunning up close. He traced the soft curves of her body and smiled. It was a wonderful surprise for her employer to offer Erika as a token of appreciation for Gregor’s tireless work.

She was in good company on his office wall, sharing it with nine other nude women. Gregor had fifty more WomaNFTs at his mansion. His growing collection of blockchain beauties was impressive, though it was far smaller than the most loyal customers of CryoToken Enterprises. One of the wealthiest women on the planet currently occupied the top spot with more than five thousand tokens spread across dozens of homes, offices, museums, and galleries worldwide. When asked by a reporter when her collection would be complete, she laughed before answering.

“A collection is never complete, my dear. That’s doubly true when collecting people as I do. Speaking of which, you would be quite a lovely addition to my collection! Would you perhaps consider…”

Copyright 2024 Olivia Zoe Quinn

Image by Klaus Hausmann from Pixabay

Story notes

I hadn’t planned on turning “Minting a WomaNFT” into a series, but I changed my mind about a year after publishing it. I loved the concept of collecting beautiful women frozen in carbonite too much not to continue the story. I’ll write at least one more part—possibly more if inspired.

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Olivia Zoe Quinn lives in rural Idaho and works as a freelance editor for fiction and non-fiction. When she’s not wielding her red pen, you’ll probably find her skiing, playing disc golf, or curling up with a cup of tea and a good book. Olivia is the Editor-in-Chief of Stone Cold Stories and an Associate Editor at Rock Hard Press and GAZMYK. Olivia is the author of an upcoming sci-fi erotica novel due out in 2025.

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