Patreon is currently on hold
Expenses are modest while we get things rolling, but we have ambitious plans to grow the magazine while remaining frugal with our resources. Here’s how we use the money from Patreon pledges and magazine sales.
Author payments
We pay our authors one cent per word for their stories. From there, it will be an incremental journey all the way to an SFWA professional rate of eight cents per word as our revenue grows.
Artist payments
We’re starting with stock images for our magazine covers, but we plan to commission custom cover art when funds allow it. Down the road, we want to add some interior artwork as well.
Narrator payments
This is down the road a bit, but we eventually want to hire narrators to record our most popular stories (as voted on by readers).
Tools of the trade
We’ve invested in Moksha, the industry standard for submission management, at a cost of $65 per month. It’s a consistently great experience for our authors and staff, so we believe it’s worth it.
Photo by micheile henderson on Unsplash