Tribute to Medusa


The villagers cower, but the naked man on the stone pedestal stands defiant in the moonlight. Bravery is rare among tributes and thus intriguing. Most tremble before me, but he is fearless.

As I pull back my hood and stare into his eyes, he returns my gaze without flinching. Within moments, a wave of stone consumes him, rendering his muscular body in marble. Exquisite.

I turn from my latest masterpiece to survey the garden and the hundreds of nude statues that preceded this one. The villagers will provide another on the next full moon. More empty pedestals await the chosen.

Copyright 2023 Olivia Quinn

Photo by Igor Ferreira on Unsplash

Story notes

I love the tribute concept in this piece! Maybe I should write a longer story based on this one. What do you think?

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Olivia Zoe Quinn lives in Ohio with her dog and two cats, who mostly get along. She is pursuing her BA in Creative Writing while working part-time in a lingerie shop. She may be found after hours standing motionless among the mannequins. Olivia is the Editor-in-Chief of Stone Cold Stories and an Associate Editor at Rock Hard Press and GAZMYK Magazine. Olivia is the author of the upcoming sci-fi erotica novel, StoneSport Chronicles: Volume 1, due out in the fall of 2024.

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